November Monthly from Foodchem

A marvelous celebration for the Foodchem 15th anniversary was held on 15th, September 2021.
At the event, CEO Lemon Zhang delivered a speech, tracing back on the history of the company since its establishment, and looking forward to future development. In the awarding session, multiple awards were awarded to senior employees and employees who have made contributions in different aspects.

Extreme weather such as heavy rain, floods, storms, hurricanes, extreme hot and cold days are happening with greater frequency & intensity. Meteorology disasters are connected to climate change caused by human activities.
Under such circumstances, various methods have been taken by the Chinese government to reduce pollution, including the electricity limit to factories.
Kindly remind it will be a great possibility for price rising and products shortage of the food additives industry.

F-TV released a series of videos that show different aspects of the sales manager. As to work, they are focused, professional, and how about outside the work?
Just enjoy the video and learn more about Ivy, Sam, Charles, and Rudy!
You can view more of our video content on Facebook and youtube.

The rising rate of global shipping costs is slowing down.
Due to the pandemic in the past 2 years, shipping cost keeps rising at a fast speed, which is a big challenge to international trading. But luckily, it seems we have seen the end-mark for the growth of shipping costs.

Healthy sugar-free sweeteners are becoming a trend in the food industry. Products with little oil and sugar are preferred by customers.
FHC - Shanghai Global Food Trade Show was held between 9th to 11th, September. EkoSweet 0 calorie sweetener was welcomed by visitors to the show.
Pure sweet taste, 1g is equal to 2 tablespoons of white sugar but nearly no calories. EkoSweet™ the 0 calorie sugar was invented for those who want to enjoy delicious food and keep fit at the same time.

Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States(CCTS) has been officially turned their name as Organization of Turkic States on 12th, Nov 2021.
CCTS was first established in 2009, aims to improve the corporation of Turkic-speaking states for they share a similar cultural background. The organization believes it will benefit members in international trading and investment.