Adams Food Ingredients unveils cost-saving dairy ingredient replacement powders
Adams Food Ingredients (AFI) has developed a range of cost-saving clean-label dairy powders that enable manufacturers to replace all or part of a dairy ingredient.
The new AdPure range includes four dairy concentrate powders – cream, butter, Cheddar cheese and Gran Padano cheese. According to AFI, the powders are ideal for a range of food applications including biscuits, cakes, crackers, milkshakes, pasta ready meals, soups, sauces, and desserts.
Speaking with, a spokesperson for the British ingredients manufacturer revealed the driving force behind the AdPure development – volatile dairy commodity prices.
“Development of the range was driven by increased dairy commodity prices alongside the increased retail pressures that we are seeing in the UK market,” said the spokesperson.
“Many popular brands are looking for new innovative ways to reduce the cost of their products so that they can give consumers better value. Adams Food Ingredients wanted to develop a range of cost-reduced products which were still 100% dairy, without compromising taste and functionality of the final product.”
“Competitively priced” against commodity prices
According to AFI, the AdPure powders can be used as a direct replacement for dairy ingredients – meaning re-formulation will be not necessary in most cases.
“In most cases no [re-formulation will be necessary], these powders can be used as a 1:1 replacement of their current dairy product,” said the spokesperson. “In many cases, manufacturers will be able to use these new ingredients without affecting their ingredient declaration on pack.”
“As these powders contain a concentrated form of the dairy commodity, the manufacturer may be able to use less in their recipe,” said the spokesperson, “and the raw material provided by Adams Food Ingredients is competitively priced against the standard dairy commodity.”
Despite the potential cost-saving, neither taste nor production performance should be compromised by introducing the powders, the spokesperson added.
“These powders deliver a natural dairy taste and aroma to the finished product. The concentration of the powders can be adjusted to meet the customer’s needs. The powders are also designed to improve the texture and mouth feel of the finished product.”
Clean label declaration “fundamental” to range
AdPure also gives the manufacturer the added benefit of being able to make clean label declarations, AFI claimed. According to the AFI spokesperson, clean-label declaration was a “fundamental” objective when developing the range.
”UK consumers are getting more and more interested in the food they eat, so clean label declaration was a fundamental objective of this 18 month development project.”
“This is really important as UK consumers are becoming more savvy about the foods they are eating, especially as the food industry is coming under pressure by the media. The longer the ingredient declaration on pack, the less trust the consumer is likely to have. As the AdPure range is 100% dairy, manufacturers will not need to worry about their on-pack label declaration,” the spokesperson added.