Ifia Japan 2017

Foodchem International Corporation, the leading supplier of food additives and ingredients in China will attend the exhibition of Ifia Janpan 2017 in Tokyo during May 264h to May 26th 2017.
The IFIA JAPAN in Tokyo is an international trade fair with accompanying conference for the food industry. The exhibition provides an ideal opportunity for all industry professionals to expand business contacts and to present the latest products and technologies to a qualified audience.
On the whole the organizers welcomed on the 3 days of the fair, about 326 exhibitors and 31280 visitors on the IFIA Japan in Tokyo In 2015, about 444 exhibitors and 32961 visitors on the IFIA Japan in Tokyo in 2014.
Ifia Japan 2017
Date: May 24th to May 26th, 2017.
Address: Tokyo, Japan
Booth Number: C118
We sincerely hope to meet you there and be good partners.