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Белки (Протеин)
Resistant Dextrin FoodPep™ Collagen Peptides Соевый Белок Концентрированный(Пищевая) Текстурированный соевый белок Выделение соевого белка Пшеничной клейковины Соевая клетчатка Горох волокно Гидролизованный животный белок Соевый лецитин Райс белка казеинат кальция казеинат натрия Kазеина Изолированные гороховый белокФосфаты
Трифосфат натрия (STPP) Кислота пирофосфата натрия мононатрийфосфат монокалийфосфатом Моноаммонийфосфат Гидроортофосфат калия двузамещенный фосфат Дикальция фосфат (пищевая) диаммонийфосфат монокальцийфосфат Трикальцийфосфат(Пищевая) Фосфат тринатрия Фосфорная кислота Пиросульфит натрия пирофосфат калия (TKPP)Витамины
Сушеные овощи
картофельный порошок Обезвоженные морковь хлопья Порошок из сухого Томатная Порошок из сухого лука Гранулы обезвоженного лука Обезвоженные луковые хлопья Высушенные Чеснок порошок Обезвоженная Шиитаке Высушенные Джинджер порошок Обезвоженные лук-порей чешуйчатый Высушенные грибы хлопья Обезвоженные хлопья петрушки Обезвоженная зеленого перца Обезвоженные хлопья Кориандр Обезвоженные красный перецКрасители
Биологически активные добавки
Растительные экстракты
Выдержка Aurantium цитруса - Синефрин Huperzine A Матча порошок Экстракт коры белой ивы - салицин Молочный экстракт расторопши - Силимарин Ресвератрол 98% Глюкан овса - Бета глюкан сапонины Экстракт зеленого чая Экстракт черного чая Экстракт черники - антоцианы Экстракт куркумина Зеленая выдержка кофейного зерна Экстракт гарцинии камбоджийской Экстракт розмаринаЭмульгаторы
глицерилмоностеарата Дистиллированная глицерин моностеарат (DGM) Твин SPAN 80 Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids (PGE) Стеарат натрия стеарат калия Стеарат кальция Номера для молочных сливок сложные эфиры сахаров Триацетат глицерина DATEM Натрий стеарил лактата (SSL) Mono Пропиленгликоль Кальций стеароиллактилат (CSL)Какао серия
Spirulina Powder бикарбонат натрия Гидрокарбонат аммония Дигидрат сульфата кальция Крахмал модифицированный хлористый калий (Пищевая) Формиат калия Гидроксид натрия (сода каустическая) Янтарная кислота Аминосульфоновая кислота ледяная уксусная кислота Глицерин Кофеин безводный Этилендиаминтетрауксусная кислота(EDTA ACID) ЭДТА динатрия(EDTA-2Na)Составные подсластители
Настольные подсластители
Ферменты для выпечки
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- Промышленные химикаты
- Активный фармацевтический ингред

Spirulina Blue(Phycocyanin)Powder E18.0

- Тип:Красители
- CAS номер:11016-15-2
- Кол./20фу FCL:16тон
- Мин.количество заказа:100кг

Products in stock

Products in stock
Appearance | Blue Fine Powder | Complied |
Algae Variety Identification | Spirulina Platensis | Complied |
Taste/Odor | Mild,taste like seaweed | Complied |
Moisture | ≤8.0% | 5.60% |
Ash | ≤10.0% | 6.10% |
Particle Size | 100% through 80 mesh | Complied |
Colour value | E18.0±5% | E18.4 |
Pesticide | Not detected | Not detected |
Lead | ≤0.5ppm | Complied |
Arsenic | ≤0.5ppm | Complied |
Mercury | ≤0.1ppm | Complied |
Cadmium | ≤0.1ppm | Complied |
Total Plate Count | ≤1,000cfu/g | 500cfu/g |
Yeast and Mold | ≤100cfu/g max | <40cfu/g |
Coliforms | Negative/10g | Negative |
E.Coli | Negative/10g | Negative |
Salmonella | Negative/10g | Negative |
Staphylococcus | Negative/10g | Negative |
Comment | This batch of product conforms to the Specification | |
Storage | Store in cool, dry place and away from strong light and heat |
Phycocyanin is a phycobiliprotein that is purified from edible spirulina by water extraction and membrane separation technology. It is the most unique active substance in the nutritional components of spirulina. Blue is pure and clear. At present, C-phycocyanin, a mixture of phycoerythrin and isophycocyanin, is mainly extracted, and other small amounts of proteins and carbohydrates naturally occurring in spirulina.
When used as a pigment, the specifications are differentiated according to color price: At present, the conventional specification is 180 color value (the color value is converted to absorbance at 618nm by UV detection under the prescribed dilution factor). Generally adding trehalose as a carrier can increase the stability of the product. You can also customize lower, higher color price or pure powder, and the customer chooses the carrier for compounding.
When used as a nutritional supplement, some customers differentiate the specifications according to the phycocyanin content: At present, they are customized according to the content specified by the customer.
Both the color value and content represent the content of phycocyanin in the final product, and the higher the color value, the higher the content. The 180-color product corresponds to a phycocyanin content of 25% -30%
Used as a food additive in China. It has not yet been listed in the food or new food ingredient catalog. The "Sanitary Standards for the Use of Food Additives" (GB2760-2014) stipulates that it can be used in candy, jelly, popsicles, ice cream, ice cream, cheese products, fruit juice (flavor) beverages, and the maximum use amount is 0.8g / kg.
Phycocyanin passed GRAS in the United States in 2012 and can be used as a food ingredient in all foods and dietary supplements (except baby food). As an ingredient in all foods except infant formulas and foods under USDA ‘s jurisdiction at levels up to a maximum of 250 milligrams per serving. As a Spirulina Extract, it can be used in confectionery, frosting, ice cream, frozen pastry, pastry coating and decoration, solid beverage, yogurt, sand There is no limit on the amount of ingredients such as bread, pudding, cheese, gel candies, bread, ready-to-eat cereals, and dietary supplements (tablets, capsules).
As a single substance, it is not included in the food additive list (no E-number). However, the European Union has a standard to determine whether an extract can be used as a food ingredient equivalent to its source of extraction, that is, as foods with colorful property (colored food) or colorant (pigment). Phycocyanin meets this standard and can be used as a food ingredient as a spirulina extract or concentrate.
1, What kinds of certificates can you offer?
Foodchem is an ISO2008 9001 certified company, as for Spirulina Blue(Phycocyanin)Powder E18.0, we can offer HAPPC, KOSHER, HALAL Certificates, ect.2, Is Foodchem a manufacturer or just a trading company?
Foodchem is both manufacturer and trading company, we are Spirulina Blue(Phycocyanin)Powder E18.0 Supplier, at the same time, we are manufacturer of other products.3, What is the Min Order Quantity of Spirulina Blue(Phycocyanin)Powder E18.0?
Different products have different MOQ, for Spirulina Blue(Phycocyanin)Powder E18.0, the MOQ is 500kg.4, What is the price of Spirulina Blue(Phycocyanin)Powder E18.0?
Foodchem is a famous Spirulina Blue(Phycocyanin)Powder E18.0 supplier and manufacturer in China, and has been corporate with many Spirulina Blue(Phycocyanin)Powder E18.0 suppliers for several years, we can provide you with cost-effective Spirulina Blue(Phycocyanin)Powder E18.0.5, How long shall we wait for your reply?
We can guarantee to reply your inquiries of Spirulina Blue(Phycocyanin)Powder E18.0 in less than 24 hours in working days.6, What kinds of transportation types can you provide?
Our main transportation methods include air transportation, land transportation and water transportation.7, What kinds of payment terms can you accept?
The most commonly used payment terms are T/T, L/C, D/P, D/A, etc.8, How long will I receive my good?
Foodchem has its own EDC warehouse in Shanghai, when your purchase order has been confirmed, inventory products will deliver within 1 week, other products delivery in 2 weeks.
FOODCHEM A : Phycocyanin is a dark blue pigment extracted from spirulina. It is one of the rare pigment proteins in nature. It is not only bright in color, but also a nutrient-rich protein. 37.2%. It is not only a protein, but also an excellent natural food coloring. It also has anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, anti-radiation, and blood tonic effects.
Phycocyanin can also be used as a variety of drinks
FOODCHEM A : Phycocyanin E25 blue powder, contains 5% sodium citrate, does not contain trehalose, and has a high content of phycocyanin, which can be used in medical or scientific research reagents, and can also be used in health care products and cosmetics industries.
Phycocyanin E18 is a blue powder, containing about 30% trehalose as a carrier, and about 5% sodium citrate. It is mainly used as a natural blue pigment to color in food and other fields.It is currently the most conventional and universal specification in the world. Large output and high cost performance.
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